People analytics at work is the application of big data techniques
against all the things that employees do on a given day and even what they have
done prior to joining their firm. All
this data is analyzed and trends are found, and more importantly traits leading
to success and failure emerge which can drive business decisions.
The most popular example of people analytics is from Billy
Beane who’s story was detailed in the movie Moneyball where he used the stats
of players to turn around the Oakland A’s from a losing franchise to a winning
one without breaking the bank with player contracts. Employers want to do the same but it can feel
creepy. Don Peck from The Atlantic
captured this best in a recent
article[1] “The application of predictive analytics to people’s careers—an emerging
field sometimes called “people analytics”—is enormously challenging, not to
mention ethically fraught. And it can’t help but feel a little creepy. It
requires the creation of a vastly larger box score of human performance than
one would ever encounter in the sports pages, or that has ever been dreamed up
Here are a few decisions where people analytics are starting
to guide decision makers:

Mentoring employees – Theodore
Kinni – [3] recently wrote about the book the Decoded Company where many
of the authors work at the same digital marketing agency called Klick. At Klick they created a system called Genome
which analyzes all the data they collect on their employees and it gives them
warnings on when they need to intervene in someone’s career or in a project
before it is too late.
Determining future needs – Michael Rafter
from Workforce.com [4] recently detailed how the Black Hills power company now
uses big data to plan their future workforce needs and more importantly they
can predict skill gaps before they materialize.
These are just a few example applications of people
analytics and if you are not seeing these yet where you work they may just be a
few success
stories away or your next task for a consultant agency may be to implement
these at your work place as this is a buzz worthy topic as demonstrated by this
video from Deloitte.
[1] http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/12/theyre-watching-you-at-work/354681/
[2] http://www.payscale.com/career-news/2013/11/your-company-is-probably-starting-to-analyze-you-in-unbelievable-ways
[3] http://www.strategy-business.com/blog/Employee-Management-in-the-Big-Data-Era?gko=48116
[4] http://www.workforce.com/articles/big-data-bigger-deal
[1] http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2013/12/theyre-watching-you-at-work/354681/
[2] http://www.payscale.com/career-news/2013/11/your-company-is-probably-starting-to-analyze-you-in-unbelievable-ways
[3] http://www.strategy-business.com/blog/Employee-Management-in-the-Big-Data-Era?gko=48116
[4] http://www.workforce.com/articles/big-data-bigger-deal
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