
Monday, September 23, 2013

Is it Possible to Build a Website and Rank #1 in Google's SERP in One Week?

Our class is building a website as I write. Our goal is to rank #1 on Google's results page for the keyword search "haunted houses in Utah" before this time next week.  I'll be providing some updates on our journey if you're interested.  Let me give you the low down on our strategy.

1. Key Words - A quick search on Google's key word planner identified related words and phrases that in our general topic area that receive a lot of traffic - well, at least for one month a year.

2. Domain Name - - a freakin' mouthful!  Who would want such an awkward run-on of a URL?  You might if the key words you are targeting are "haunted houses in Utah".  One of the best ways to get an edge in organic results is if you can secure a URL that contains the key words you are targeting.

3. The Website - The site is being built by other students in my class as I type this, but the main idea is to get a site structure that includes your most important key words in titles, headers, and descriptions of images and videos (search engines know very little about images and videos except what you tell them in descriptions).  We will be throwing up lots and lots of relevant content and linking to other sites.

4. Social Media - Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.  We acquired pages that matched our URL as closely as possible.  We purchased our first 12,000 Twitter followers on fiverr.  Now we are going to tweet and post the hell out of this thing.  It doesn't hurt to have 25+ people committed to sharing content.

5. Original Content - The lucky one's are writing blog posts on corn mazes, best costumes, halloween activities and gruesome tales.

And then there's you.  Yes, you are a part of our experiment.  I couldn't think of a way to comfortably share our site with all of you without providing a little background as to why I am suddenly become a tweeting maniac on Haunted Houses in Utah.

Check us out.

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