Social Media, is it a good or a bad thing? That would depend on whom you ask. Judith Aquino, a reporter for CRM Magazine, describes social media as a marketing tool. Something to be mined for data and used to further the strategies and goals of a business. Americans spend just about 53.5 billion minutes on Facebook every month.[1] I don’t know about you, but to me, that is a lot of time. Every minute could mean a potential customer for any business. How exactly do you use social media in the best possible way? Well for starters, be careful what you write. It is easier to make incredibly simple mistakes.
Mistakes and the Negative Effects of an Uniformed Decision

Uses of Social Media Data

Social media is definitely an important
part of web analytics. It helps a business understand their customers better
and as a result help them market their products better. There is always a
chance for a mistake in any kind of analytics. Mistakes that come from valid
sets of data will serve as a learning tool. Those made without adequate
information can have disasterous
effects. Regardless of any mistakes made, social websites are stock full of
information ready to be extracted and analyzed.
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